full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Cecile Richards: The political progress women have made -- and what's next

Unscramble the Blue Letters

But women around the globe, they're on the move, and they are taking strengths and inspiration from each other. They are doing things they never could have iminaged. So if we could just take the progress we have made in joining the workforce, in joining business, in jnnioig the ecaniotdual system, and actually channel that into building true political power, we will reshape this creutny, because one of us can be ignored, two of us can be dismissed, but together, we're a movement, and we're unstoppable.

Open Cloze

But women around the globe, they're on the move, and they are taking strengths and inspiration from each other. They are doing things they never could have ________. So if we could just take the progress we have made in joining the workforce, in joining business, in _______ the ___________ system, and actually channel that into building true political power, we will reshape this _______, because one of us can be ignored, two of us can be dismissed, but together, we're a movement, and we're unstoppable.


  1. century
  2. joining
  3. imagined
  4. educational

Original Text

But women around the globe, they're on the move, and they are taking strengths and inspiration from each other. They are doing things they never could have imagined. So if we could just take the progress we have made in joining the workforce, in joining business, in joining the educational system, and actually channel that into building true political power, we will reshape this century, because one of us can be ignored, two of us can be dismissed, but together, we're a movement, and we're unstoppable.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
united states 9
full equality 4
political revolution 2
good news 2
shirley chisholm 2

Important Words

  1. building
  2. business
  3. century
  4. channel
  5. dismissed
  6. educational
  7. globe
  8. imagined
  9. inspiration
  10. joining
  11. move
  12. movement
  13. political
  14. power
  15. progress
  16. reshape
  17. strengths
  18. system
  19. true
  20. unstoppable
  21. women
  22. workforce